Interview with Steve Taylor for The Great Agency Adventure Project

AIGA Memphis board member Andrew Lebowitz sat down with Steve Taylor and chatted about his project The Great Agency Adventure.

What’s your name and what do you do?

My name is Steve Taylor and I guess you could currently label me as a traveling Copywriter or Creative nomad.

How did you come up with the idea to do this project?

It all came about during a conversation I had with some friends. I realized a lot of people settle in where they work or live, because they just aren’t familiar with the other options out there. My goal is to show just how creative each of these cities are in their own right and discuss what they offer creative-types. I find that people develop much better creative when they’re happy and I think, especially nowadays, you don’t have to settle.

How many cities have you visited so far? What’s next?

Memphis is stop 6 of 14. Before I arrived here, I was working at an agency in Charlotte called BooneOakley. My next stop is St. Louis, where I’ll be holed up at a great place called Boxing Clever. I’m happy to be nearing the halfway point of my adventure, because I remember a little over a year ago, I wasn’t even sure if this whole idea would get off the ground.

Do you have an end goal you are working towards for this project or is it more of an adventure?

Honestly, I haven’t decided yet. My goal is to compile all of my blogs, tweets and pictures into a book, but other than that it all depends on how I feel toward the end. I’d love to visit more cities and do a second leg, especially if it involves me going to Europe, but I’m starting to think it might be nice to plant some roots somewhere after all this. So, I guess the short answer is that it’s all up in the air.

Is there anything else you want people to know? (for example, can people donate to support your trip?)

I do my best to self-sustain the project, but donations are always welcome as by the end of this experience, I will have incurred a mountain of debt. I don’t have anything “official” going at this point, but people can always Paypal me at Any and all donations would be greatly appreciated and put to very good use—that’s for sure. I think the most I could ever ask anyone though is to just help spread the word. This is a grassroots project and the more people I can get talking about the project, the more successful it can become. You can keep up with my blog at and my Twitter / Instagram handles are both zombieparmesan.

Follow Steve and The Great Agency Adventure:

By aigamemphis
Published June 5, 2014